overheating or due to
if bad. Replace fuse.
voltage spikes such as
Make sure charger has
from lightning.
adequate ventilation
Charger fuse will
when in use.
usually also be blown.
See Charger Problems
2. Open in charging
2. Check all battery
terminals and leads
for open. Check
Anderson plugs at
3. Low Battery Voltage.
3. Verify with voltmeter.
Lester Automatic
Use a manual charger until
charger requires
required voltage is
approx. ¾ of battery
returned. Then use
voltage before it will
regular charger. 6V
turn on.
batteries can be
brought up 2 at a time
with a 12V charger.
7. Motor operates
1. Bad cell in one
1. Check all battery
slower than normal
cells with a hydrometer
or running time is
after charging. Replace
shorter than it
battery with bad cell.
should be.
2. Corroded or loose
2. Locate bad connection
battery terminal or
visually and correct.
loose primary
connection anywhere
in the system.
3. Batteries not
3. Too much amperage
receiving a full charge.
on batteries used to
power accessories.
Bring these batteries
up to charge with a 12
volt charger, reduce
accessories (radio,
spot lights, etc.).
Install a 12V battery
and charger when a lot
of accessories are operated.