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5.1.1 Starting the fi re normally
1. Ensure burn pot is clean and the burn pot holes are
2. Ensure the hopper is full of wood pellets.
3. Press button [3] for 3 seconds. The pellet fi re will
start its ignition process, going through several
ignition phases.
• Start – Loads pellets into burn pot, Igniter on
but combustion fan off
• Waiting Flame – Pellet loading continues,
Igniter on, combustion fan on
• Flame Light – (on suf
cient increase in
temperature) - Loads pellets, Igniter off,
combustion fan on
• Work – Pellet loading and combustion/
convection fan speed adjusted to power set
• Final Cleaning - Pellet loading stops,
combustion fan on Max speed until pre-set
exhaust temp is reached
5.1.2 Turning the fi re OFF
1. Press [3] for 3 seconds.
2. The
fi re will go into “Final Cleaning” stage.
DO NOT unplug fi re or open door until the unit is fully
cooled down and both the exhaust fan and convection
fan have stopped.
During the working phase, the following settings should
be checked and adjusted as required:
• POWER SETTING (Button 5 on your remote
cations of the room temperature setting”
on page 9.
Filling the Pellet Hopper
Check hopper for foreign objects, then empty the bag
of pellets into the hopper. DO NOT OVER FILL as
miscellaneous pellets could smoke if left to rest on an
operating heater.
Store pellets at least one metre (1m) away from the
wood pellet fi re.
The Sara insert pellet fi re has been designed so it can be
pulled out on a runner system so the hopper can be fi lled
with pellets as well as for cleaning and maintenance .
How to extract the stove:
Open the stove door and, using the “T” wrench supplied,
fi t it onto the square shown in the close-up and turn it in
an anti-clockwise direction.
At the same time as the operation described above, pull
the stove outwards using the special handle situated
behind the ceramic tiles.
Once the fi replace has been pulled forward, fi ll the hopper
with wood pellets through the safety grill as indicated.
Once the hopper is full, push the fi re back into the
cavity. When pushing the fi re back into position make
sure the door is open and the locking mechanism is in
the open position. When the fi re is in place, turn the