Brochure for models with FLASH motherboard
( firmware version ECT2008air - & ECT2008box - )
The firmware is the software part of the electronic motherboard. It is composed of a series of instructions that allow the
stove to be managed.
IMPORTANT!!! The firmware must not be confused with the parameters. These must in any case be entered
in the motherboard.
A DATABASE will soon be available containing the pre-saved default parameters of every stove in production.
9.1 Usefulness of firmware
To date, solving a software problem would cause an enormous waste of time due to the physical delivery of chips
between the manufacturer Ecoteck and the Assistance Center. The use of a firmware allows the problem to be solved by
sending a file via e-mail.
The firmware used has the extension “
.caf “:
firmware for I023 motherboards
, this will be used on all new stove models divided into air/box/hydro and will be
programmed according to the required usage. Updates to modernise our product will be possible using this type of
9.2 How to use the firmware
Firmware (with application and updates) will be published in the download area of our internet site (at the address
), together with a document that specifies how it works and any changes with respect to the old
version on the market.
There are two main types of firmware:
Optional update firmware: this type of firmware may contain updates that improve the stove’s efficiency. It is an optional
firmware since the stove also works optimally with the previous firmware version.
Obligatory update firmware: this type of firmware is provided when there are operating problems with the old firmware
and it is advisable to update the motherboard.