Brochure for models with FLASH motherboard
( firmware version ECT2008air - & ECT2008box - )
1.2.2 “hOt” Re-ignitiOn phase - stOVe statUs “hOt“
this phase refers to every ignition cycle with temperature below the re-start threshold (pR 11), in any case over the minimum
threshold (pR 13,say when the stoves is already hot).
n.B. : the value relating to the restart threshold is a datum tested in the company on each of our stove models in order to
identify the optimal restart condition. this parameter should not be changed significantly by the service centre (not over 5°
C/10° F) unless ecoteck technical center has been consulted.
a pellet stove in these conditions functions in 5 phases:
a - Re-ignitiOn phase
B - FLaMe staBiLisatiOn phase (see previous section)
C - WORK phase (see previous section)
D - MODULatiOn phase (see previous section)
e - COMFORt CLiMate aCtiVatiOn phase (see previous section)
D - sWitCh OFF phase (see previous section)
a – Re-ignition phase
Re-ignition conditions:
stove in “FinaL CLean“ with re-ignition attempt:
- if the smoke temperature is lower than or the same as the restart threshold (tsmoke<=pR11), and in any case over pR13 “sWitCh
OFF phase”, the pR 39 timer switch On (Re-ignitiOn BLOCK). after that time the stove goes into re-ignition state;
- if the smoke temperature is higher than the restart threshold (tsmoke>pR11) the stove continues with the final clean; after this
threshold has been reached, the pR 39 (Re-ignitiOn BLOCK) timer switches on and the stove goes into the re-ignition state;
in both cases, during the period before re-ignition, the message “COOLing - Waiting staRt” will appear on the display.
Re-ignitiOn : pre-heating of the ignitor for an established time, linked to the parameter “pReheating tiMe pR 31“. in this phase
pellet loading starts according to pR 34 while the exhaust blower, which previously was carrying out the final clean, slows its revs
and positions itself on the value set at pR 17 (fan speed in FLaMe pResent phase).
iMpORtant!!!this method makes it possible to solve the problem with the smoke extractor, which, passing from the OFF
phase to the activation phase, could cause an anomalous increase in temperature which could elude the pR 33 “FLaMe DeLta
“ when a flame is present.
n.B . : For all the other phases, the stove behaves in the same operating way as a normal ignition (see paragraph 1.2.1 from
point B).