Brochure for models with FLASH motherboard
( firmware version ECT2008air - & ECT2008box - )
7.2.2 OpeRating pROCeDURes With eXteRnaL theRMOstat
Keeping the ambient probe connected (aiR version) to pin 7-8, connect the external thermostat. Bringing the temperature
setting to the value “-est” you totally exclude the internal probe (or probe located on the remote control for the BOX version)
reading and in this way the temperature setting only depends on the external thermostat.
7.3 thermostat settings table (aiR and BOX versions)
all the possible combinations for room temperature reading are illustrated in the following table.
For aiR versions
eXCLUDes aMBient pROBe
ReaDs pROBe
- est
COnneCt eXteRnaL theRMOstat
eCO stOp ( COMFORt CLiMate On )
eXCLUDes pROBe anD eXteRnaL theRMOstat
iF teMp. set On DispLaY is LOWeR than
eXteRnaL theRMOstat COntROL
teMp. set On eXteRnaL theRMOstat
iF teMp. set On DispLaY is higheR than
aMBient pROBe COntROL
teMp. set On eXteRnaL theRMOstat
- est
eXteRnaL theRMOstat COnneCteD (COntROL On the aMBient pROBe)
For BOX versions
eXCLUDes eXteRnaL theRMOstat anD pROBe
iF teMp. set On DispLaY is LOWeR than
eXteRnaL theRMOstat COntROL
teMp. set On eXteRnaL theRMOstat
F teMp. set On DispLaY is higheR than
aMBient pROBe COntROL
teMp. set On eXteRnaL theRMOstat
- est
eXteRnaL theRMOstat COnneCteD (COntROL On the ReMOte COntROL pROBe)
iMpORtant!!! it is advisable to bring the ambient set status to the “est” value in order to work with the external thermostat.
in fact, in this way the message displayed on the screen is clearer with the t-on and t-off messages in the stove modulation
and work phases.
iMpORtant!!! in order to activate the COMFORt CLiMate function with the external thermostat, a thermostat with an OFFset
of at least 3 °C/ 6 F is advisable.
n.B.: COMFORt CLiMate can be activated with the external thermostat available for the eCt2008aiR/BOX03 version
45-104 F
45-104 F
45-104 F
FOR instaLLatiOn anD enViROMent issUes see: “Use anD MaintanCe ManUaL FOR aiR stOVes”