7. Linux
7-2. SCSI Configuration Utility for Linux:inicconf
This section explains the instructions to set up the CB32U on RedHat Linux 6.1.
Login as as an root user before setting up the CB32U SCSI Configuration Utility.
1.Copying the file to your HDD
Insert the CB32U for Linux into the floppy drive and type the following command to read DOS format FD.
# mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
Then, execute the following command to copy the file to your HDD.
# cp /mnt/floppy/linux/inicconf.tar.gz .
2.Extracting the file
Extract the inicconf.tar.gz, following the procedure below.
# gunzip inicconf.tar
# tar xvf inicconf.tar
You will get the inicconf folder which contains [bin],[src] and README-E-inicconf.
3. Confirming the source files
Go to inicconf/src directory to confirm you get the following files.
inicconf.c -- source file of inicconf
eepinic.h -- header file for eeprom
Makefile -- make file