You should
You should not
Put your fingertips into the groove on top,
Place your fingers parallel gently.
Hang your finger in
the air.
Leave too much
space between
your finger and
the groove on top.
Put your fingers on the
glass and try to open the
lock with your fingers.
Operation Instruction
For the first-time using the vein lock, please complete the
following steps:
1. Set the door opening direction (#2#-The default administra-
tor password 123456#3#,Door Opening Direction Settings
open the left door 1#, open the right door 2#).
2. Set up auto-lock: When door is closed and locked, enter #0 #
- administrator password - 5 # and confirm set up success. (see
operation manual 3. Gyroscope auto lock settings).
3. Change the administrator account’s password (see operation
manual 4 Administrator Account Settings. The default adminis-
trator password is 123456).
4. An proper registration of finger vein will make the identifica-
tion in the future more accurate and faster. Please refer to the
correct method as illustrated below for finger vein registration.
It is recommended to use the index finger, middle finger or ring