Some
advice
on
calibration:
●
do
not
change
the
distance
from
the
center
of
the
plate
to
the
scanner
when
turning
the
plate.
The
exception
are
only
snapshots
in
positions
and
11,
●
do
not
rotate
the
plate
at
a
very
high
angle.
Ensure
that
all
marks
on
the
plate
are
visible
from
both
cameras,
when
you
turn
the
table,
●
be
careful
with
calibration
plates!
It
is
not
permitted
to
contaminate
or
perform
any
mechanical
damage
to
the
surface
with
the
marks.
After
the
use
store
the
plates
in
designated
case,
●
before
the
calibration
procedure
ensure
that
cameras
and
cables
are
secure
in
the
designated
position.