Scanning with markers
This scanning method is more convenient than scanning without markers. In
addition to construction of the object surface, in this mode the scanner finds marks
and calculates their coordinates. If each of the following scans has enough related
marks from previous ones, new fragment automatically will be placed in the desired
position. In this way, all the pieces will automatically form a three-dimensional object
model, making it easier for further processing of the scan data.
Reference grid can be used repeatedly, if you're using auxiliary object for your
scanning process (surface with markers). Reference grid can be uploaded in different
from third-party sources, for example, from
photogrammetric system, that allows you to scan large objects without significant loss
in accuracy. If you want to create the reference grid press the
reference grid.
When sticking markers to an object it is desirable to choose flat areas. In this case,
on obtained model you can cut the section with the mark, and cover the blank space
without significant losses in a result.
For scanning it is convenient to use additional dark rotating platform with in
advance placed markers. Using a dark surface, which is "invisible" for the scanner,
simplifies removing extra areas when processing the model.
Found markers form a
reference grid
. You can create a reference
grid in advance, and then scan the object. Thus each scan will be
connected to the reference grid, and not to the previous scan, without
the need for overlap between them. Thus, you can stick fewer markers
to an object. Switching between creating a reference grid and scanning
is done in the control panel.