3. Depress inflation pedal to position one to start air flow
through the hose and into the tank. Maintain a steady
pressure for constant flow.
4. Watch the rising pressure on the tank gauge and the
gauge on the machine. Machine gauge should cycle
between check and inflation pressures while tank gauge
climbs steadily. As tank pressure reaches 60 PSI, the
pressure limiter should stop the air flow automatically. Both
gauges should read 60 PSI ± 5 PSI.
5. If the pressure exceeds 60 PSI, adjust the knob on
the regulator by lifting the locking cover and turning
COUNTERCLOCKWISE. After adjustment is made, secure
cover in the locked position.
6. Repeat steps 1-6. Re-adjust if necessary.
7. After pressure limit has been set, check the manual
release valve function by pressing the button and releasing
pressure from the tank until it reaches 50 PSI. Disconnect
inflation hose, and release air inside tank. (See Fig. 17.13)
For additional copies
or further information, contact:
BendPak Inc. / Ranger Products
1645 Lemonwood Dr.,
Santa Paula, CA. 93060
Fig. 17.13