Check the
Match all of the following
option so that tracks must match
all the set rules to be added to the crate.
If this option is not checked, any track
which matches any of the rules will be
added to the crate.
Check the
Live update
option to have
the smart crate update when any tags are
edited in your music library. With this
option unchecked, the crate contents will
be updated only when you click the
refresh crate icon, which is not visible
when Live
update is
to save your crate or
to exit without saving.
Click the
button (next to the Add
Smart Crate button) to edit the rules of an
existing Smart Crate.
Sorting Your Files
The track information display area can be
customized to display the columns listed
• Added
• Album
• Artist
• Bitrate
• Comment
• Composer
• Filename
• Genre
• Grouping
• Key
• Label
• Length
• Location
• Remixer
• Sampling
• Size
• Track
• Video Track
• Year
The column button
is located at the
top of the library pane in the right hand
corner. Click on the column button to
select which columns you want to display.
To sort your library by a column, click
the column header so it highlights. For
example, clicking on the album column
header will sort your library alphabetically
by album title. To move a column, drag
the header to the left or right. To resize
a column, click on the column boundary
and drag it to the left or right.
Using the Song Browser
The song browser allows you to filter
your song list by Genre, BPM, Artist and
Album. To turn the song browser on or off,
click the
Scratch Live includes
a search function to
help you find files
quickly and easily.
Enter text into the
search box and
Scratch Live will
automatically find as
you type. To select
which fields the
search function will
look through, click on
the left hand side of the search box. The
drop down menu shows which fields are
currently being used. Press esc or the
button on the right of the search box to
clear the search.
TIP: Use the keyboard shortcut
‘ctrl-f’ to jump to the search box. This
keyboard shortcut will also take you out
of any crate or playlist that you might
be in and into your main library, so you
can find any track in your collection. If
you then click on a crate or playlist, the
search query will be cleared.
Prepare Window
The Prepare window is a holding area for
tracks, much like preparing a set by lifting
records part way out of your record bag.
You can drag tracks (or whole crates)
from the main track list into the Prepare
window, or simply drag them onto the
button. These tracks will be
removed from the Prepare window once
they have been played. All tracks in the
Prepare window will be discarded when
you exit Scratch Live.
TIP: Use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-p to
add tracks to the Prepare window.
TIP: Select the contents of the Prepare
window and drag them onto the new
crate button (+) to save your selection
as a crate.
button opens a
complete log of all the tracks
you have played and allows exporting
Scratch Live session information as a data
Each session is catalogued by date
and time. Using the drop down arrow,
you can navigate to and view detailed
information of any previous sessions.
There are columns for the period (i.e.,
date of session), name of track and artist
name. In addition, these other categories
listed below will give you more detailed
information about your sessions:
Start Time:
When viewing a song row, the
start time of the song is displayed. When
viewing a session row, the start time of the
session is displayed with the date (in real
time value).
End Time:
When viewing a song row, the
end time of the song is displayed. When
viewing a session row, the end time of the
session is displayed with the date (in real
time value).
When viewing a song row, the
total played time of the song is displayed
(i.e., 00:03:00). When viewing a session
row, the total elapsed time of the session