Loading the SP-6
To load a track to the SP-6, drag and drop
the desired file from your library into one
of the sample slots. To eject a track, click
the eject button to the right of the title
TIP: You can load tracks to the SP-6
with the keyboard shortcuts: ctrl + alt +
z to n.
TIP: Select and drag six tracks from
your library onto the first sample player
slot to simultaneously load six tracks
across all six slots.
Playing Samples
Pressing the play button on each
slot will play the loaded audio.
TIP: Use the shortcut keys
z (slot 1)
x (slot 2)
c (slot 3)
v (slot 4)
b (slot 5)
n (slot 6)
to trigger each sample respectively.
SP-6 Instant Doubles
You can instant double from the Virtual
Decks down to the SP-6, from the SP-6
up to the Virtual Decks and also between
the sample slots themselves. This means
the position, track gain and speed will
match when you drag a track to from one
location into another. This allows you to
beat match tracks with your turntables/
CD players on the Virtual Decks, and
then “instant double” the track down to
a slot, freeing up the Virtual Decks to
continue your mix with other tracks. Click
and drag an already playing track from
a Virtual Deck or sample slot and drop it
on another sample slot to begin instant
SP-6 Play Modes
Each sample slot has three different play
Trigger mode
- When play is
pressed, the audio plays through
until the end of the track. Pressing
repetitively will trigger the audio from the
beginning of the track. To stop the audio,
hold the alt key while either clicking the
play button, or pressing the corresponding
shortcut key (e.g., alt - z for slot one).
Hold Mode
- The sample will only
play while you press and hold the
play button or the corresponding shortcut
key. Upon release of the play button, the
audio stops immediately. This mode most
closely resembles the function of the
“note off” mode found on many samplers.
On / Off Mode
- When play is
pressed, the audio plays through
until the end of the track. Pressing play
again stops the audio.
Repeat Mode
- Each slot has a
repeat button. When activated,
this will repeat the loaded audio file from
beginning to end, or will turn on the loop
selected in the “Play From” field.
TIP: Short “loop” samples can be
turned into a continuous track using
the repeat function. Ensure there is a
clean cut at the start and end of a bar.
TIP: If you don’t wish to use the SP-6,
you can disable it in the Plugins tab on
the Setup screen.
SP-6 Pitch Controls
There are
Pitch Slider,
Nudge, and Keylock controls for each
sample slot. The BPM is also displayed
next to the pitch slider. If no BPM is
present in the tracks ID3 tag, the pitch of
the track is displayed as a percentage.
Click and drag the pitch slider to make
regular pitch adjustments. Hold the shift
key and move the pitch slider to make fine
pitch adjustments.
Click on the
buttons to nudge
the track into time. (temporary pitch
Hold the ctrl key and click the
buttons to make ultra-fine pitch
adjustments to nudge the track, adjusting
the pitch permanently.
SP-6 ‘Play From’ Selector
Use the
“Play From”
selector to choose where the track will
play from. You can choose to play a
track from the start of the file, any one of
the cue points, or any one of the loop in
When this is set to play from start, or
play from a cue point, the track will play
right through until stopped. When a loop is
selected, the track will play until the loop
out point, unless you have “repeat” on, in
which case the track will loop using the in
and out points of the selected loop.
The number of options will be
dependent on the number of cue points
and loops already set in your track. i.e
if the track loaded has no cue points
and loops set, then only “start” will be
available as a “Play From” option.
TIP: To set or adjust cue and loop
information for a track, load it to a
Virtual Deck, make your adjustments,
then load it back into the sample slot.