Operating the Instrument
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Using the Analyzer's On-Screen Keyboard
The on-screen "Keyboard" allows you to enter characters, in particular letters, without
an external keyboard. It is available for all text input fields in the analyzer GUI.
The on-screen keyboard is particularly useful in single-window mode. In dual-window
mode, a suitable editor is automatically displayed: whenever an editable value is
selected in the main window or a dialog, the data entry part of the control window is
adjusted accordingly. Hence in dual-window mode there is typically no need to open
the on-screen keyboard.
For the following procedure, we assume single-window mode.
1. Activate a character data input field in a softtool or a dialog.
2. Double-tap/click the input field to open the on-screen keyboard.
3. Select character buttons to compose the input string.
4. Select "Enter" to apply your selection and close the keyboard.
Using the Windows
On-Screen Keyboard
The Windows
on-screen keyboard allows you to enter characters, in particular letters,
even if an input field cannot call up the analyzer's own on-screen keyboard. Examples
are input fields in standard Windows
Entering Data