Trying Out the Instrument
Getting Started 1412.9220.02 ─ 21
To configure a composed baseband signal
1. In the first baseband, generate a WCDMA-3GPP signal as described in
ter 6.2, "Generating a Digitally Modulated Signal"
2. To route the signal from "Baseband B" block to the first signal path, use one of
the alternatives:
● In the block diagram, select "Baseband B" block and drag&drop it to the
first path ("Fading A" block or "AWGN A" block depending on the options
installed on your instrument).
Select the "Fading B" block and drag&drop it to the "Baseband B" block.
● In the block diagram, select "Baseband B" block, navigate in the context
menu, and select "Signal Routing > route to path A".
The block diagram displays the routing.
Routing the Signal through the Instrument and Defining the Output Connectors