Rohde & Schwarz
EMI Automotive Band Evaluation with R&S©EMC32-K51
– 1SP07-
Additional Information
7.1 Short history of EMC32-K51
EMC32-K51 started as an EMC32-EB option. It expands the software with the
GMW3091/GMW3097 Band Evaluation function that allows to do an evaluation on EMI
component test measurement tables and includes the results in the report of EMI
measurement data as described in the standard GMW3097; Feb. 2004.
With EMC32 Version 9.00 EMC32-K51 emerged as a bundle of EMI tests defined in a
template editor which is well adapted for high degrees of freedom in combining the
editors for hardware setups and EMI test templates in one test sequencer. So it is
possible to do sub ranges with overlapping frequency ranges.
Such EMI tests are requested by several standards (e.g. Ford ES-XW7T-1A278-AC,
GMW 3091, GMW 3097, and German Car Manufacturers EMC Standard: EMC
Requirements (OEM harmonized), Edition V1.01: 2009-04-07) . The test described in
EN55025:2008 Ed.3 / CISPR 25:2008 Ed. 3
Both EMI Automotive template editors (radiated and conducted) implement devices the
same way. Instead of referencing a Hardware Setup the user has to define device
settings with the tab Test Setup. Existing EMI Hardware Setups cannot be referenced
in the editor, they have to be described for each Subrange (Band, Figure 2) separately
(tab: Test Setup, Figure 10, Figure 11).
This application note describes the usage of the new EMI Automotive test template
based Band Evaluation.
7.2 Switching to Measurement Mode
Before executing a test the mode shall be switched from evaluation mode to
measurement mode. This can be done in either of the ways:
Switched to Measurement Mode Automatically on execution of the Test.
The mode will be switched to measurement mode as soon as the test is
selected, from the Test Template, for execution. This can be done if the option
"Do not Activate Measurement Mode on New Test" is not selected in the
"Option: File/Test" from the menu (
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