Configuration of Test Cases in the Editor
Rohde & Schwarz
EMI Automotive Band Evaluation with R&S©EMC32-K51
– 1SP07-
Figure 25: Do Data Reduction checked allows editing
Data reduction allows three different kinds of settings:
Evaluation part 1:
Peak Search
In the first part of evaluation a peak search will be performed. This part helps
to find the highest narrowband signals in the measured frequency range.
Evaluation part 2:
Acceptance Analysis
The results from the peak search algorithms in part 1 may be reduced by the
following functions: For the acceptance analysis you can (optionally) select for
each detector a limit line (tab: Graphics, Figure 23). Each limit line may be
optionally shifted by the defined Offset value (thus EMC32 will add the offset
value to the copy of the original limit line in the current test.)
The Additional Limit Lines for Graphic are only displayed in the result graphic
but are not used for data reduction or evaluation purpose.
Evaluation part 3:
Maxima Limitation
In the third evaluation part a maxima limitation will be performed. This part
helps to reduce the found critical frequencies to a reasonable number for
further evaluation.
3.6 Settings in Actions tab
Action tab shows the same functionality as known from other templates.
Figure 26: Action tab in EMI Automotive template