Plain English Version:
Do not use this manual or the CFFA3000 Interface board for any mission-critical applications, or for
any purpose in which a bug or failure could cause you a financial or material loss. This product was
designed to enhance your Apple II computing experience, but may contain design flaws that could
inhibit its proper operation, or result in a loss of the data recorded on the storage devices attached to
it. When using this product you assume all risks associated with operation or data loss. If these
terms are not acceptable, you may return the product for a refund with 30 days of receiving it.
Legalese Version:
Richard Dreher, doing business as R&D Automation, makes no warranties either expressed or
implied with respect to this manual or with respect to the software or firmware described in this
manual, its quality, performance, or fitness for any particular purpose. All software and firmware is
sold or licensed ―as is‖. Any risk of incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of
the information in this manual or the software / firmware / hardware described herein, shall be
assumed by the user or buyer or licensee. In no event will R&D Automation be liable for direct,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software / firmware /
hardware described in this manual.
R&D Automation reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the product described in
this manual at any time and without notice.