Remote Pushbutton LEDs
The left button and LEDs apply to Disk II drive 1, and the right button and LEDs apply to Disk II drive
2. Press a button once to advance to the next disk in the list. Press and hold a button to have it blink
a number of times corresponding to the index number of the disk in the drive.
Figure 15: Remote pushbutton board.
(fast blink)
Disk switch was not allowed, or there is no disk in
the virtual drive.
(slow blink)
Blinks once for disk image 1, twice for disk image 2,
and so on. Disk images are assigned in the “Disk II
Assignments” menu.
Green on
The virtual disk II motor is on.
Red on
Data is being written to the virtual disk II image.
Small Bright Red LED D5
Blinks at power-up and also communicates important information, usually by blinking a 2-number
code. Many of the codes can repeat forever. The (2, x) codes are from the bootloader, which always
runs at power-on and provides the opportunity to replace the main firmware (DIP Switch 8 on), even
if there is no firmware present and/or the CPLD is not in a good state:
(2, 4) = please insert CF card containing CFFA.BIN
(2, 5) = the CF card is not formatted as MBR + FAT16/FAT32
(2, 6) = could not find CFFA.bin
(2, 7) = firmware upgrade complete
(2, 8) = the CFFA.bin file is too large (>120K)