ICI16• 18
While we had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, if you are still having trouble
with your IR Remote Control Interface, here are a few additional suggestions.
Use a methodical, logical troubleshooting technique. Most problems can be
solved using common sense. A volt-ohm meter and a clear head are usually
all that are needed to correct any problem. Most problems are due to
misplaced parts and/or bad solder connections. Working backwards through
the assembly steps will often lead you to the problem. Re-visit the extensive
theory of operation include in this manual, and try to apply to your specific
Have another set of eyes look through your work. Here at the shop we have
often run into a “stone wall” of a problem only to have a fellow technician see
our obvious error. It is sometimes very difficult to see your own mistake, taking
a break can often solve this common problem.
Make sure that you have “checked” all the assembly steps boxes, you may
have forgotten one or two of them.
PROBLEM: I just can’t make the &#^$^@! thing work!
SOLUTION: Call Ramsey Support at 1-585-924-4560 or look at the warranty
in this manual. We are here to help, and reduce your frustration as much as
possible. It usually is something simple. Have your board revision handy to
help our technicians find the proper schematic for your needs. You can email
our tech support as well at the ramseykits.com website. Oh, please count to
ten before calling taking some deep breaths first...