be flush and square. Once you have things where you want them, take
your soldering iron and tack solder the two outside pins of the two outside
8 pin headers to hold the whole thing in place.
70. Now is the time to check your LED placement, while the header solder
joints cool and before you pull the main board back out. If the LEDs poke
through the case as far as you want them to, then you’re finished with this
step. If they stick out too far and are pushing the front panel out you’ll
want to heat both pads of each LED and when the solder is flowing, push
the LED to the position you desire. The same is true if you want to push
the LEDs out so that they poke through the case farther than they are
currently. You run the risk of losing the pads for the LEDs so you’ll only
want to do this once. In other words, if they look fine where they are,
leave them alone. If they don’t fit in correctly, here’s the procedure for
moving them. Choose which LED you want to move and place your
soldering iron tip
the pads of the LED, heating both pads at once.
Once the solder is heated you can either push the LED back with a
fingertip or move it forward with needlenose pliers to the correct position
in the front panel. Once you take the iron away things will cool and you’ll
have the LED where you want it. If necessary, do the same with the other
LED. Again, if they look good, don’t bother changing things.
71. You can take the main board out of the case now and carefully solder
all the pins of the three 8 pin headers. These are the control lines and
connections to the main board from the front panel board so be careful
and do a good job.
We’re just about finished now; all we have to do is test the kit and then case it
Power Supply Considerations
The BS2C is designed to run off an external source of 5 to 12 VDC. Batteries,
power supplies, or AC adapters may be connected to the unit through the
power jack, J1. Care should be taken to ensure that the center tip is positive.
Before applying power make sure the volume control is turned down.
You’ll need to read the following section on using the BS2C to familiarize
yourself with the operation of the kit before testing can begin.