29. Install C16, 10uF electrolytic cap. Yes, watch the polarity again.
30. Install R27, 10k ohms (brown-black-orange).
31. Install R14, 2.2k ohms (red-red-red).
32. Install R11, another 2.2k ohm resistor (red-red-red).
33. Install R16, 2.2k ohms (red-red-red). It’s hiding between the MIC and
LINE IN jacks.
34. Install C11, 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 104).
35. Install C13, 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 104).
36. Install C14, the other big 470uF electrolytic capacitor. This is another
part where it pays to be careful about the polarity, since the larger the cap,
the bigger the bang if it blows up! Just follow the ‘+’ marking like you have
been and everything will be fine.
Now is a good time to double check your work. Loose pins, solder bridges, or
an improperly installed IC can really throw a wrench into the works. It’s also a
good time to take a break and maybe rub your eyes before you get back into it.
37. Install C20, 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 104). It’s nice not to
have to worry about the polarity of these ceramic disc caps, isn’t it?
38. Install L1, 22uH inductor (red-red-silver bands). This part is very similar
to a resistor but fatter around the middle. It’s the only part with those color
bands so you shouldn’t have any trouble identifying it. It has no polarity so
just insert and solder it.
39. Install C15, 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 104).
40. Install R12, 10k ohms (brown-black-orange).
41. Install C18, 10pF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 10).
42. Install C19, 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 104).
43. Install C17, another 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 104). This
part is kind of squeezed in at the end of U3 but I’m sure you can fit it in
44. Install C21, 10uF electrolytic (marked 10uF). This part is a tight fit too,
but it’s taller so that should be easier for you.
Next we’ll move to the center of the board and install a row of the same
value resistors. They’re all 470 ohms (yellow-violet-brown). Start with R33
and work your way through R32, R31, R30, R29, R28, R25, to R26. There,
killed 8 parts with 1 step!
45. Install R23 and R24, both 10k (brown-black-orange).
46. Install R17, the last 470 ohm (yellow-violet-brown).