The dawn and dusk settings can be changed via the location settings in the webpage interface. An
offset from this value can be set from this screen if desired.
Output Action
The Output action section on the right hand of the screen will define the command to be sent
when the conditions in “Event Trigger”/“Active Days” are met.
The “Action” drop down menu is used to select the command sent when the event is triggered.
Typically these will be scene commands but it is possible to trigger and control Macros, Holiday
settings etc.
7.2 Setting Events using the Rako App.
Events can also be created via the Rako App. The method to create events in the App is
essentially the same as detailed above.
It is also possible to set Events from the Bridge webpages if required
8 Mappings
When Mapping are used the Bridge can “listen” to a Rako command (Source) and perform a
certain action (Output Action) every time it is “heard”.
It is usually preferable to use a programmable keypad rather than Bridge Mapping when possible.
Where WCMs are RNCs are used in the system use
Keypad Mapping
rather than Bridge Mapping.
Manual Version 2.1.2