3 Discovering the Bridge and Setting the House Number
Before proceeding with any programming the Bridge needs to be discovered and the House
number set.
3.1 Discovering the Bridge
Open Rasoft Pro programming software. Ensure that the
laptop is connected to the same network as the Bridge.
The Bridge should appear in the “Communication” window in
the bottom right of the software with a red stop sign. If it does
not appear press “Refresh”.
3.2 To set the Bridge House number
The Bridge always has a
default House Number of 1.
Before beginning any programming
using the Bridge it is important to first set the House number to match the one used when
creating the Project File. Failure to do so may result in interference with other systems.
Step 1:
Right click on the Bridge in the communications window in the bottom right of
the software. Select “Open in Browser” to open the Bridge webpages.
Manual Version 2.1.2