4 4-6-4 J3a Hudson Steam Locomotive
Installing The Tender Coupler
If the locomotive is to be mated up with a
different manufacturer’s G-Gauge
locomotive, freight or passenger car, the
knuckle coupler assembly may need to be
relocated on the coupler armature as seen in
Fig. 3. The second lower location or
position “B” is on the bottom of the
armature extending from the truck rather
than the default top position “A” which is on
top of the armature. Simply unscrew the
coupler shaft from the armature, separate the
coupler knuckle (attached by screw & nut)
from this shaft and relocate to the bottom of
the shaft. Reassemble.
Note: When the standard knuckle coupler is
installed in position B, the coupler pin must
be cut off as shown in Fig. 3. The coupler
pin has been “scored” so that it can be easily
cut off with a pair of snippers.
The Hook and Loop coupler mounts to the
truck armature in the same manner as the
Knuckle Coupler. Note that the mounting
screw is located behind the rear axle as seen
in Figure 4.
If a Kadee Coupler is to be installed, remove
the M.T.H. knuckle or hook & loop coupler and install the Kadee Coupler base included
in your locomotive packaging as seen in Figure 5a. Once the coupler base is installed,
attach the Kadee Coupler onto the mount (See Fig. 5b) by following the Kadee Coupler’s
Standard Knuckle Coupler
In Position “B”
Must Be
Cut Off
Here To
With Track
Figure 3
Install Kadee Coupler
Mount into mounting
holes on tender chassis
Figure 5a
Install Kadee Coupler
Onto Coupler Mount
Using Kadee supplied
Figure 5b
Hook and Loop and
Knuckle Couplers
Attach To Truck
Armature Via This
Mounting Screw
Figure 4