18 4-6-4 J3a Hudson Steam Locomotive
2. After removing the boiler mounting screws, separate the
boiler from the chassis and turn the chassis upside down.
3. Next, locate the pickup assembly behind the middle set of
drive wheels and remove its mounting screw as seen in Fig. 15.
4. Locate and remove the four gearbox bottom access cover
screws as seen in Fig. 16.
5. Turn the chassis right side up and
remove the two chassis weight monting
screws as seen in Figure 17.
6. After removing the chassis weight
mounting screws, lift the weight out of the
chassis and remove the gearbox top access
cover mounting screws as seen in Fig. 18.
Body Mounting Screws
Body Mounting Screw
(Under Leading Truck)
Figure 13: Removing The Body
Remove Truck Guide Plate
By Pulling It Up
Figure 14
Remove Pickup Mount Screw
Figure 15: Locate and remove the pickup
Remove Gearbox Inspection Screws (4)
Figure 16: Removing The Gear Box Bottom
Access Cover
Remove Chassis Weight Screws
Figure 17: Chassis Weight Mounting Screws