5 / 12
Elevator Trim
If the rudder is not properly centered,
adjust the push rod length by bending the
arc-shaped section slightly with needle
nose pliers until the rudder is centered.
Push Rod Arc-shaped
Push Rod Arc-shaped
Push Rod
Arc-shaped Section
If the elevator is not properly centered,
adjust the push rod length by bending the
arc-shaped section slightly with needle
nose pliers until the elevator is centered.
If the aileron is not properly centered,
adjust the push rod length by bending the
arc-shaped section slightly with needle
nose pliers until the aileron is centered.
Center Control Surfaces (cont.)
Please Note:
It is unlikely that you will
need to make these adjustments to your
new model.
The PASS System has 3 levels of control.
Full Assist
(switch toward pilot) In this
position the bank and dive angles of the
airplane are greatly restricted and the
plane will return to level flight when the
sticks are released.
Partial Assist
(switch in middle) In this
position the bank and dive angles can
increase and the plane still returns to
level flight when the sticks are released.
No Assist
(switch away from pilot) In this
position the stability system is inactive.
This is the expert setting and allows for
unaided control. If orientation or control is
lost, simply switch to one of the other assist
modes to regain control.
0 - Away From You- Manual / PASS Off (EXPERT)
1 - In the Middle - Partial Assit (MID)
2 - Towards You - Full Assit (BEGINNER)
PASS System Control
The PASS System comes pre-installed in
the airplane to help make flying a smoother
experience. In either assist mode, the
PASS System greatly reduces the stress of
the pilot and makes the plane easier and
more fun to fly.