A countdown screen appears. You can abort the calibration at any time during the countdown by
pressing [N/-].
If the calibration is not aborted, the display shows the sensor names and tells you whether the
calibration passed or failed, followed by the sensor readings.
The gamma radiation sensor comes pre-calibrated from the factory and does not require routine
calibration. However, you can check it by placing a check-source on the rear of the MultiRAE equipped
with a gamma sensor to check the readings. There is a raised dot on the rubber boot that marks where the
sensor is located inside the instrument.
MultiRAE Benzene Calibration Process
Calibrating the MultiRAE Benzene is similar to calibrating other MultiRAEs. Calibration is performed
with isobutylene and benzene. Make sure the target gas is the same as the calibration gas and that it is in
the correct concentration.
The MultiRAE Benzene must not have a RAE-Sep Tube Cartridge installed during calibration.
A filter must be attached to the inlet.
The calibration adapter must be used for calibration with both gases (isobutylene and benzene).
Dotted line indicates automatic progression.