Mesh Router
User’s Guide
they are within the range. You can also ping from an instrument in the
network. If it is within range, the Mesh Router responds with a beep and
an LED light flash.
If a network ping is unsuccessful, check the following:
Is the antenna attached?
Does the PAN ID match the PAN ID of other instruments in the
Does the Channel match the channel on which the other instruments
are operating?
Are the other instruments turned on and within range?
PAN ID Setup
All units on a network must be programmed with the same PAN ID
(Personal Network Identifier) to ensure communication compatibility.
When you see this screen, press [MODE] to view the current PAN ID or
to change it:
The allowed range for PAN ID numbers is 001 through 999.
The screen shows the PAN ID, with the cursor blinking on the first digit.
Step through the digits from left to right by pressing [MODE]. Change a
digit’s value by pressing [Y/+] to increase and [N/-] to decrease. After
the third digit, you see a flashing “?”