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Example of a report:
--------- Autotest GLP: Report ---------
Balance type PS 3000.R2
Balance ID 400010
User Admin
Software rev. v.0.4.9
Date 2013.07.16
Time 09:17:16
Number of measurements 10
Reading unit 0.001/0.01 g
Internal weight mass 1402.094 g
Filter Normal
Value release Fast &Reliable
Deviation for Max. -0.118 g
Repeatability 0.0088 g
Parameter <P6.9 GLP AUTOTEST > is initiated by pressing
The balance software starts the autotest GLP procedure and it is carried out
automatically from now on to the end.
A user can stop the procedure at any time by pressing
button in the window.
Once the procedure is finished, the value of standard deviation of all
measurements is shown in the main display, and message <RESULT> in the
bottom line, and the final report is printed out automatically (as shown above). It is
possible to print out the report again by pressing
Report is not saved, therefore when abandoning this level, it is deleted from the
balance volatile memory.
To abandon the window press
button and the program returns to the main
menu. To return to weighing press
button repeatedly.