D6500 Computer Interface Manual
74-05313-000-G 10/16/97
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© 1988-1997 Radionics, Inc.
1. Introduction
The D6500 Receiver processes incoming phone calls (with one or more messages in each phone call) from
various types of digital alarm communicators simultaneously on up to eight individual phone lines. The receiver
presents these messages using the D6500 LCD display, buzzer and internal printer. The messages can also be
sent to a computer or external printer. The D6500 can supervise the response from the computer and can alert
an operator to a message that the computer did not accept. The D6500 can be programmed to display each
message as it is received, or wait until all of the messages in the incoming call are completed to begin
presenting them.
The D6500 cable "pinouts" are controlled with a set of jumper pins and plugs on the D6515 MPU Terminator
Card (see Figure 1, section 3.1). RS-232 protocol and additional controls are set in the D6500 MPU program.
These can be easily changed with the D5200 Programmer loaded with the 6500 Product Handler program.
The D6500 will respond in different ways to the received messages, depending on how the available options
are selected in the D6500 MPU program. The messages and the responses are described in this manual.
2. How It Works
A message is received from a digital communicator (or other compatible device). As each part of the message
is received and accepted, the D6500 Line Card sends the communicator an "ACK TONE" (acknowledgment
signal) telling the communicator that the message was received. This message is given to the MPU which then
decides what to do with the message (depending on how the MPU is programmed). Typically, the choices are:
Display the message on the D6500 LCD display and print the message on the D6500 Internal
Printer and/or External Printer.
Send the message to the computer via the RS-232 port.
3. Both of the above.
Most of the other choices in the D6500 Program describe HOW to send the messages to the computer or what
to do if the computer is not able to accept a message.
The D6500 can output and display messages in the D6500 and the SIA modes only. All references to the
D6000 Mode have been removed and are no longer supported in the D6500 receiver.