Eventually your pet learns that it must be wearing a leash and must hear the COME command to venture
outside the boundaries.
Be sure that you always lead your dog out only at this one spot in the yard, only with the leash on and only
when you have given the COME command.
1. Remove the receiver collar and replace with a standard collar and a leash.
2. Walk your pet out to a specific place in your yard, preferably the end of your driveway.
3. Tell your dog to sit and stay at a point just outside where it normally would receive the warning tone.
4. Walk across the boundary and out of the yard.
5. Tell your dog to COME to you.
6. If he refuses to cross the boundary and move toward you, help him through by pulling the leash gently
but firmly.
7. Once he does successfully come to you - praise him physically and verbally.
Perform regular maintenance checks of receiver and your dog.
Perform each of the following maintenance checks:
• Check the remote transmitter and the receiver collar batteries MONTHLY.
• Check the contact probes for tightness WEEKLY to avoid losing the receiver.
• Check your pet’s throat area for any irritation and wash neck DAILY.
• Walk the perimeter and test your pet's "memory" of the boundary MONTHLY.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What is the maximum area the "PLUS" containment system can enclose?
A: You can connect up to 1200 feet of wire to the containment transmitter. This is enough wire to enclose
approximately 2 acres.
Q: Will the correction hurt my pet?
A: The correction is safe and harmless. It is effective enough to get your dog's attention. The correction
produces less energy than that produced by a static shock from carpeting.
Q: How deep do I have to bury the wire?
A: Approximately one to three inches. You do not have to bury it for it to function properly. The only
reason for burying is so you don’t accidentally trip over it or cut it.
Q: What size or type pet can this system be used on?
A: The pet must be trainable and able to comfortably wear the receiver. Any breed can be contained,
however it is recommend that the dog be at least eight pounds and be at least 6 months in age.
Q: Can the receiver be placed on my pet’s present collar?
A: Yes. However, you must be able and willing to "punch" two holes in the collar so that the contact probes
can be properly inserted.
Q: How often do I have to replace the battery in the receiver collar?