Boundary training flags
Place the boundary flags so that they are ten feet apart and at the point where the warning tone starts. These
flags serve as a temporary visual boundary for you and your pet. The flags will later be removed when your
pet has become familiar with the "safe zone".
Boundary Training
Day 1
STEP 1: Hold the receiver collar in one hand and, using a leash attached to another collar on your dog's neck,
walk your pet to the boundary. Shake a boundary flag and give your pet a strong "NO" command. Be sure to
allow your dog to hear the beeping from the receiver as you shake the flag.
STEP 2: Lead your dog back into the yard and praise and play with him for 10 to 15 seconds.
STEP 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 around the entire boundary.
STEP 4: After a short rest/play period, place the receiver
collar on your dog. Attach the leash to the other collar
on your pet.
STEP 5: Let your pet experience a correction by
walking into the signal field on his own. Then,
immediately lead him back into the "safe zone" and
praise him. Do not encourage the pet to cross the
boundaries, as this will confuse him. If your pet will not
venture into the signal field on its own, have someone
else cross the boundary and allow the pet to follow.
STEP 6: Repeat step 5 again around the perimeter
boundaries. Your pet should receive a correction only
when it willingly attempts to cross the boundaries.
Additional corrections are not necessary unless your pet
willingly attempts to approach the boundary.
STEP 7: Remove the receiver collar. DO NOT leave your
pet alone with the receiver collar until fully trained.
Caution: During the first week of training, you must contain your dog by other means until he is fully trained. Letting
your dog roam freely in the initial stages of training without constant supervision will only confuse him.
Days 2 through 14
Repeat steps 4 through 7 at least once per day.
Days 15-30
When your dog shows acceptable learning progress, remove the training leash and allow your dog to roam freely
in the "safe zone".
After 30 days from the start of training, remove every other boundary flag. Repeat every other day until the flags
are completely removed.
Imaginary gate training
Be sure that several members of your family take turns training during this process so that your dog does not
identify leaving the yard with just one person.