P. 7
This Preliminary User's Manual is not intended to be a detailed,
complete course in Radio Shack's Level I BASIC. For that you'll
have to wait for the complete Manual. However, we will try to give
you enough help here so you can exercise your Computer a little
before getting into the meat.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each line of a program must be entered into the
Computer. You do this by pressing ENTER key. To
correct a typing error, press the backspace key
(-*-) ; repeat as necessary to erase the error. If
you have already ENTERed a line and notice an error,
'type the same line over again — the Computer
always takes the last line typed in.
Let's try the "calculator mode" first. It's the easiest. Type
the following:
PRINT 5-2 (hit ENTER)
NOTE: With the TRS-80, there is no
The Display will show
need to use SHIFT to type capital
letters (all letters are capital).
SHIFT is needed only for the keys
which have two symbols.
> -
This means the Computer is ready for more. (From now on, we won't
repeat the READY and > _ .)
Now try
PRINT 2/3, 2*8 (Hit ENTER. Note you must use PRINT to receive a