Your RadioShack Travel Sleep Machine com-
bines a simple design with advanced technol-
ogy. You can set the clock to announce the
time every hour, which is handy in a dark
room, for example. You can also set the clock
to play soothing sounds to lull you to sleep.
The clock’s other features include:
Six Sleeping Sounds — one of six different
soothing sounds (rain, train, ocean, wind,
brook, and night) lull you to sleep.
Countdown Timer — you can set a time limit
on how long the sleep sounds play.
Voice Announcement — lets you hear the
time with the touch of a button.
Alarm with Snooze — sounds an alarm and
announces the alarm time when the alarm
goes off. You can silence the alarm and have
it sound again in about 5 minutes, so you can
sleep a while longer.
Adjustable Time Format — you can set the
time in either the 12- or 24-hour format.
2000 Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
RadioShack and Sleep Machine are registered
trademarks used by Tandy Corporation.
63-974A.fm Page 2 Thursday, January 6, 2000 1:47 PM