Max. Range
The range maximum in [m] is the maximum distance at which the sensor will detect the
water level. In general there is no need to modify this parameter. Yet in some situations
it is advised to set this parameter to a value lower than two times the distance from the
radar to the lowest expected water level. This is to avoid detecting multiple echoes of the
same measurement sweep.
Min. Range
The range minimum in [m] is the minimum distance at which the sensor will detect the
water level. This parameter is used to avoid spurious measurements and should be set
depending on the installation location. If there are any nearby surfaces that can reflect the
radar signal the range minimum should be set to a value higher than the distance to those
reflecting surfaces. The range minimum parameter should not be lower than 2 [m] to avoid
interference with the internal reflection in the radar antenna.
Min. Signal
The signal minimum is the lower limit for the signal power that will be considered in
water level measurements. This parameter is by default set to 25 [dB], and should only be
adjusted by an expert user.
Reflection diagram
The reflection diagram gives a snapshot of raw radar data in the frequency domain. The
reflection diagram provides a useful insight in the quality of the reflection signal that is
obtained by the radar.
After changing the sensor parameters for the three sensors by pressing the submit button,
rebooting the system is required for the changes to take e
ect. The reflection diagram of
each sensor should be checked to ensure that the water level measurement is within the
defined limits (More information can be found in ’Step 4.2: Check the Reflection Diagrams’).