Step 3.3: Sensor configuration
Figure 3.5: Sensor configuration menu.
The WaveGuide Direction-OnBoard 2 is designed with a high level of flexibility in mind,
to apply to every possible mounting situation. The sensor menu allows the configuration
of those parameters that are specific to the sensor installation (Fig.
During the installation process it is important to register the position of each of the three
sensors. The identity of each sensor is defined by its serial number which is shown on the
type plate.
In the box labelled as "Distance [cm]" fill in the distances between the radar reference points
(see Fig. 1.2 for the radar reference point). Next fill in the "Orientation [deg]", defined by
the angle from the vector pointing to the North to the line A-C (from radar A to radar C).
The “preview geometry” field to the right, automatically generates an illustration in top-
view of the array configuration. The geometry preview includes the approximated radar
reflection footprints based on the parameters provided (see Fig. 3.6).