W W W . R A D P O W E R B I K E S . C O M
It is critical that the cables do not rub or interfere with the front wheel or the safe turning and operation of your Rad
Power Bike. Make sure that it is not possible for the cables to be snagged on any part of the bike or front rack while
turning. Pay close attention to the routing of the front brake cable, headlight wire and all cables and wiring near the
front rack to ensure they cannot contact the front wheel or be pinched, stretched, or overextended when turning.
Serious injury may occur if cables and wiring are not properly routed and maintained.
Do not load more than 10 kg on the front rack and ensure load is spread out otherwise damage can occur.
Assembly Instructions for The RadCity
Follow these assembly instructions if you would like to install the Front Rack on the 2018 RadCity. If you are installing the
Front Rack on a different 2018 Rad Power Bike model, please go back to the table of contents and look for the appropriate
The following assembly steps are only a general guide to assist in the assembly of your Front Rack and is not a complete or comprehensive
manual of all aspects of assembly, maintenance and repair. We recommend you consult a bicycle repair specialist to assist in the assembly, repair and
maintenance of your bicycle and all accessories.
Required Tools:
4mm Allen Wrench
Philips head screw driver
8mm and 10mm wrenches
Step 1:
Move the headlight to the front rack
Remove the headlight and bracket from the bike. Once the headlight is removed, reinstall the bolt that holds the
fender on. Ensure the front fender is properly secured.