Neighbours&Statistic log save period [min]
Default = 1440 min (1 day) [10 - 7200 min]
This is the period, in which Neighbours and Statistics logs are saved in the archive and cleared
and new logs start from the beginning.
The history files are organized in a ring buffer. Whenever a new file is opened, the
numbers of files are shifted, i.e. 0->1, 1->2, etc. There is a history of 20 log files available.
The Max value is 6.000.000 min. (more than 11 years) It used to be only 7.200 min. up
to the 1.3.x.x fw version.
List box: Default, Manual
Default = Default
– Default (recommended) values are set and can't be edited.
– Values can be set manually.
Graphs displays history of Watched values and history of some of the items from the Statistic table.
Displayed values are stored in each RipEX including data from selected five neighbouring units.
Neighbour = RipEX, which can be accessed directly over the Radio channel (not over Ethernet),
i.e. without a repeater. The graph data is stored in files, each file contains 60 samples of all values.
The sampling period can be configured. There are two types of graphs- Overview and Detail.
Overview graphs cover a continuous time interval back from the present, they use relatively long
sampling period. Detail graph is supposed to be used in case of a special event, e.g. an alarm, and
the sampling period is much shorter.
Logged Neighbour IP’s
Default =
Up to 5 IP addresses of neighbouring units can be set. (Neighbour = RipEX, which can be ac-
cessed directly over the radio channel, i.e. without a repeater). Watched values from these units
are stored in the graph files and can be displayed afterwards.
Overview graph sampling period
List box: 1, 2, 4, 12 hours
Default = 12 hours
The 60 samples per graph file result in (depending on the sampling period) 60, 120, 240 or 720
hours in each file. There are 6 files available, so total history of saved values is 15, 30, 60 or
180 days. The Overwiev graph files are organized in a ring buffer. Whenever a new file is opened,
the oldest one is replaced.
Detail Graph sampling period
List box: 1, 5, 10, 20 mins
Default = 1 min
The 60 samples per graph file result in 60, 300, 600, 1200 minutes in each file. There are 20
files available. They are organized in a ring buffer. When a new file is opened, the one with
oldest data is replaced. The Detail graph files may not cover a continuous segment of history.
See Detail graph start for details.
Detail Graph start
List box: No, Alarm, Single, Continual
Default = No
Detail graph data sampling is started based on selected event from list box:
– Detail graph does not start.
– if a tickbox in Detail graph column (Settings/Alarm management) is checked, then the
Detail graph file is stored in case of that alarm. Twenty samples prior the alarm event and forty
samples after the alarm event are recorded. When another alarm occurs while a Detail graph
file is opened, the sampling continues normally and no other file is opened.
© RACOM s.r.o. – RipEX Radio modem & Router
Advanced Configuration
Summary of Contents for RipEX 1.6.0
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