Analogue Inputs
All of the analogue inputs are non-opto isolated 14 bit 0 - 14 V inputs, and they are all non-differential inputs that share
the same ground.
An example of how to connect an isolated individual potentiometer is shown below.
Connecting to a potentiometer already installed on a car, such as a throttle potentiometer, would only require the output
signal from the pot and the earth to be connected to the MIM01 as the pot gets its power from the car.
Digital Inputs
The digital inputs are optimised to suit certain applications.
• Digital Input channel 1
Optimised for event marking due to its internal 100 Kohm pull up resistor, with a simple switch that connects the
input pin to ground. The low state is below 4 V so it can also be used as a TTL pulse input, such as fuel flow sensor
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