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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 29/11/16
the mains must be equipped with adequate earth connection properly
connected to the equipment. This is a pre-requisite for ensuring operator safety
and correct operation.
Connect the audio and RDS/SCA signals from user’s sources to the transmitter
input connectors.
5.1.3 Encoder
The interaction between the user and the exciter control software is performed
using the encoder.
Ruotare l’encoder verso sinistra
per spostare il cursore verso il
basso, per decrementare il valo-
re di un parametro o per selezio-
nare un elemento di una lista
Ruotare l’encoder verso destra
per spostare il cursore verso l’al-
to, per incrementare il valore di
un parametro o per selezionare
un elemento di una lista
Premere il pulsante una volta per
entrare nel menù desiderato, quindi
una seconda volta per modificare il
parametro selezionato.
The operations that you can perform on the encoder are:
: moves the cursor shown on the display; if you turn the encoder to
the left (counterclockwise), the cursor moves downwards, if you turn it right the
cursor moves upwards; it also permits to increase or diminish the parameters
(turning the encoder left diminishes the paramete.
: push the button once when the cursor is on the name of a menu to
enter in that menu, push it when the corsor is on the name of a parameter to
enter in modification mode (the cursor starts blinking); after the modification of
a parameter, push the button to save the new value.
After having modified the value of a parameter, the cursor goes on blinking for
approximately 15 seconds, waiting for confirmation from the user. If the user
doesn’t confirm the new value (i.e., the button is not pressed), the parameter has
not saved and remains on the selected parameter.
The first pressure of the encoder when the display is light out, or its rotation, serves
in order to activate the retroillumination.