Opening other channels is the same way. If you have chosen the window of
opened video, then open other channels in the right, the system will close all
the channels and open new channel. Customers can adjust image mode upon
opened video channels.
Close the channel. Rightclick mouse at the channels which are needed to close.
Or choose to close all the windows to close opened video channels.
Part 3: Special Functions
This series allows a more personalized design and visualization operation press
key, local enlargement in any areas of the preview interface, timing start up and
shut down, FTP upload, 3G&WIFI and so on. Now let’s introduce Encode, Multi
channels playback and mobile monitor setup.
1 Coding Config
DVR achieves the functions such as high quality playback and remote monitoring
by coding parameter config.
Picture 9 Encode setup
1.1 Encode setup for every channel
Only part of DVR mode supports resolution switch.
Step 1. Local operation through (Main Menu) > (System) > (Encode) (remote
setup click right mouse and choose “config” in (System) > (Encode) .
Step 2. Choose channel 1, set the resolution as D1 (25fps, 1536Kb/s)
Step 3. Choose channel 2, set the resolution as CIF (25fps, 512Kb/s). Click
right mouse or choose “Advanced” then click “Copy” button.
Step 4. Choose channel 3, click the right button or choose the local “Advanced”,
then choose “Stick”. Channel 4’s operation is the same with channel 3.
Step 5. Click “save”, then exit.