Technical Information Regarding EMI
Important Technical Information regarding Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
The intensity of interference from electromagnetic energy is measured in volts per metre
(v/m), which refers to the strength of the electrical source (voltage) as it relates to the
distance away from the object being considered (in metres). Resistance of a scooter/
wheelchair to certain EMI intensity is commonly called “immunity level”.
20 volts/ metre is a generally achievable and a useful immunity level against interference
from radio wave sources (the higher the immunity level, the greater protection).
Your scooter had been tested and found to meet the required immunity level from
Electromagnetic Interference (20v/m): the intensity of interference from electromagnetic
See Page 5 of this manual for additional information.
Caution: Even with the immunity level of 20 volts per
metere, certain precautions must be followed to ensure
your scooter/ wheelchair will not be affected by outside
electromagnetic sources.