Section IV - Operation
Quincy Compressor
• Initial start-up
• Starting
• During operation
• Stopping
• Taking out of operation
Initial start-up
The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions during operation.
The maximum recommended motor starting frequency is starts is 20 starts per hour.
In order to keep the number of starts at an acceptable level, the compressor must
be connected to an air receiver with a suitable size.
Initial start-up
1. Remove the yellow painted transport brackets (E, F) (if applicable)
Transport brackets on QOF 7.5
2. Close the air outlet valve (AV - see section Introduction ).
3. Check the settings of overload relay (F21 - see section Settings of overload relay
and fuses).
Check the drive motor connections. Connect the compressor to the electricity
4. Close the condensate drain valve(s). See sections Introduction and Flow diagram
for their location.
5. Switch on the voltage. Lamp (H1) alights.
Start the compressor and stop it immediately by means of switch Q1 (see section