How To
Nest the daisies pantograph pattern
1. Go to layout on left navigation.
2. Press new layout .
3. Press OK at notification screen.
4. Move machine to top-left corner of
quilt area and press green plus .
5. Move machine to bottom-right
corner of the quilt area and press
green plus .
6. The system will display the height
and width, press the Green Check
7. Go to Patterns on left navigation.
8. Go to Pantos > 3 Daiseys and press
the green check mark .
9. Press repeat .
10. Repeat the pattern horizontally
(press the horizontal repeat plus
) until it spans just past the right
edge of the pattern. (Note that you
will probably repeat it many more
times than shown at right.)
11. Press scale and press smart
scale to stretch the pattern to
fill the quilt area. (If you wish to
prevent distortions of the pattern,
press the lock button at the bottom
right of the scale menu.)