20210927 QC-PC-PID-01-Bedienungsanleitung engl.
. You will now enter the PARAMETER-MENU.
If you enter the password incorrectly, the screen returns to the MONITOR menu.
Without further knowledge, Kp should be set to 100, Tn and Tv to 0.
The controller is thus in the pure
P-control mode.
To transfer the values to the controller, the entry must be confirmed. To do this, touch the
parameter display area on the right edge of the screen* after setting the parameters. (See picture
below) Without this confirmation, the controller works with its old values.
The setting of T1 and T2 will be explained later.
Determine and set PM
Setting a correct value for PM adjusts the controller output to the load. Without a correct
adjustment, both the connected consumer and the controller can be destroyed. The PM determines
the maximum allowable supply voltage to be set as output to the load. In the delivery state, the value
is set to 000 in order to avoid an impermissibly high current when switched ON. As long as the value
is zero, the output cannot be switched ON. The value for PM is determined as follows:
PM =
Take the value V
from the data sheet of the Peltier element used. V
is the value of the
connected supply voltage. This value must be in a range between 12Volt and 24V. Only a smoothed
DC voltage may be connected.
If the supply voltage is 24 volts and the Peltier element is to be operated with a maximum of
12 volts, set the value PM to 50%.
100% = 50%
* Touch-sensitive area. Touch
here to make the parameter
change effective.