20210927 QC-PC-PID-01-Bedienungsanleitung engl.
Before start-up
The user is expected to control and master his thermal design. This instruction does not provide any
relevant training. The user must ensure that he has completely read and understood these operating
instructions beforehand. Furthermore, there must be a thermal design that is reasonably
dimensioned. The assembly must contact the object to be tempered on the entire "cold side" of the
Peltier element. The object to be tempered must have good thermal connection with PT1000 sensor.
On the other hand, the entire "hot side" must be connected to a sufficiently effective heat sink (heat
sink, heat exchanger). A Peltier element is considered to be sufficiently conn
ected, if the “
heats up or cools down by a maximum of 10 K compared to its cooling medium. An insufficiently
cooled Peltier element will overheat during operation within a few seconds and consequently get
damaged. A poorly cooled Peltier element will not achieve the set goal.
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