11. You can now use this application to edit, print, or email your images to friends
and family.
Please refer to the iQuest Roam TWAIN Driver Help Guide, link found on the upper
right hand corner of the iQuest Roam driver window for more information and
additional functionality.
Please refer to www.mgisoft.com for more information on MGI software.
Many applications support image acquisition with the TWAIN driver. Refer to your
image editing software for further information.
Capturing video using Odyssey’s V ideo Editor
1. Click Start, Programs, and
Odyssey’s Multimedia Gallery. Then click
the Odyssey’s Video Editor icon to open
the program.
2. Choose the Capture button.
Please refer to http://www.odsytech.com
for more information on Odyssey’s V-mail,
Video Editor and Watchdog.
Using the iQuest Roam as a USB/ Video Camera
Before disconnecting the iQuest Roam from the computer, please
exit all image editing or video applications using the camera.