Quest 88 limited, Aston Street, Shifnal, Shropshire, TF11 8DW
tel: +44 (0)1952 463050 fax: +44 (0)1952 463077 www.quest88.com email:general@quest88.com
QD. TRINST1supp.PM6 iss.7/GJ-06/09
Hip and Thoracic Supports
These provide support to maintain a 'midline' position on the saddle. Both supports have straps to help
maintain the user's position and safety on the trike.
The hip and thoracic supports are held on a special assembly which is fitted to the underside of the saddle.
There are three standard sizes of support, which are measured across the width of the inside of the support.
They are: 210-290mm, 255-355mm, 310-390mm. Combinations can be used between hip and thoracic.
QD. TRINST1supp.PM6 iss.7/GJ-06/09
Quest trikes have a series of complimentary accessories which can help provide additional support and
stability. It is important to position these correctly for the individual user, as they are the ‘fine tuning’
necessary to maintain correct user posture.
Set up the position of any accessories after following the earlier main set up instructions.
The full set of accessories are not necessary for every user. Advice on the accessories required will have
been given during demonstration. However, if it is felt the user would benefit from any accessories listed
here, please contact Quest 88 Limited.
Width Adjustable Lateral
All hip and thoracic supports come with width adjustable lateral (side)
supports which can be removed for ease of transfer.
To adjust the width of the laterals or remove them for transfer, undo
the knobs on the laterals. There is no need to undo the knobs fully,
one full turn is suffficient. The laterals are now free to slide along the
support bar or be removed.
When re-fitting the laterals, ensure the small plate inside the lateral
tube fits into the channel in the lateral support bar.
Adjust the laterals to the correct width of the user, taking care to
ensure that the laterals are adjusted equally on each side to achieve
a 'midline' position for the user. Once the laterals are in the correct
position for the user, tighten the knobs and ensure they are fully
tightened before use.