QD. TRINST1supp.PM6 iss.7/GJ-06/09
Quest 88 limited, Aston Street, Shifnal, Shropshire, TF11 8DW
tel: +44 (0)1952 463050 fax: +44 (0)1952 463077 www.quest88.com email:[email protected]
Steering Set Up
4 Point Handlebar Stem
Steering needs to be correctly positioned to maximise steering ability
and control. A combination of stem height and handlebar angle is
used to achieve the steering position. The optimum position is one
which combines comfort and control, ideally with the elbows flexed,
hands at mid chest to shoulder level and trunk as vertical as possible.
To set the stem height, stand at the front of the trike looking at the
saddle with a foot on either side of the front wheel. Handlebar stems
come with either a 6mm hexagon socket bolt or a 13mm standard
bolt. Using either the 6mm socket key or 13mm spanner, loosen the
stem bolt and gently lift the stem to the desired height.
Ensure the stem is running in the same direction as the wheel and
tighten the bolt. To adjust the handle bar angle loosen the four
hexagonal socket bolts and angle the bars to the desired position.
Tighten the four hexagonal socket bolts to lock the bars in position.
Ensure all bolts are tightly fastened before use.
Saddle Position
(Sliding Seat Option)
The Sliding Seat is an additional accessory that allows adjustment
of the saddle (forwards/backwards) in relation to the pedal position.
This is useful for children who have longer thighs in relation to their
total leg length. By sliding the saddle further back it prevents such
children from having their knees too far ahead of their feet, which
would otherwise impede pedalling.