1. Introduction
Turbo 3 can power a digital camera and flash together, or two flashes.
three times
the capacity of the original Turbo battery. Turbo 3 is
the most capable flash/camera portable power pack Quantum has
developed to date.
Turbo 3 uses the latest technology Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery.
The battery provides bursts of high power for quick flash recycling,
great capacity, no memory, and long life. (NiMH batteries are not
subject to the air travel restrictions of some Lithium batteries.)
2. Warnings and Cautions:
3. Quick Guide
For best results charge your Turbo 3
the night before
each use. The
nature of Nickel Metal Hydride batteries is that they loose a portion of
charge every day. Charging the night before or right before use ensures
maximum capacity for your job.
The “fuel gauge” is a computer calculated monitor of remaining battery
capacity. The “fuel gauge” also displays the state of charge during
recharging. When powering cameras and flashes, each green indicator
goes out as battery capacity is used up. With only one green indicator
lit less than 25% capacity remains.
To check Turbo 3 capacity without a flash or camera attached,
press the ON/OFF button. The LED fuel gauge will come on for a
few seconds displaying remaining capacity. Turbo 3 will not stay
on unless connected to a flash or camera.
Do not disassemble the Turbo 3. High voltage!
Return equipment requiring service only to Quantum, or its
authorized dealers or distributors.
Never put metal objects near either socket. Keep away from
Turn Turbo 3 off before attaching or removing cables.
Turbo 3 is powerful! Do not exceed flash’s maximum
consecutive full-power flashes (see flash instructions, or else
20 flashes). Then rest flash until it cools. Note: no limit for